
The Most Popular Toys Of The 90s That We All Just Had To Have

The 90s were a truly interesting time. We were experiencing technological changes like we had never seen before, our our music was taking a new turn, and we all looked like hyper-color blobs of spandex. One thing that was definitely changing a lot was our toys. Each year one toy would take over and kids would be begging their parents for it every day. Every year one or two new toys that would take over as the most popular, leaving us kids asking for more and more. If you grew up in the 90s, chances are you wanted at least


13 Photos That Will Slap You In The Face With Nostalgia Harder Than Those Rubber Dodgeballs

Being a kid we pretty awesome, I think we can all agree on that. Everything felt like it was tailored to our very particular needs and it was super fun. There were countless TV shows, movies, and toys all built with our entertainment in mind. Sometimes when you see these things now you have this flood of memories flowing through your mind, let's see if these things trigger any for you! Gym class scootersAmazonBecause who needs fingers?! OdysseyGiant parachutesOdysseyThe literal best gym class imaginable! RedditHippity HopsEbayThe OdysseyDodge BallsImgurBecause it was obviously super fun to get whipped in the face with


15 Toys You Completely Forgot You Used To Love When You Were A Kid

It's hard to keep track of all the amazing toys and games we had as kids. There were just too many awesome ones! Remembering everything we had is a little tricky off the top of your head, but chances are you had some of the toys off this list! Barrel of MonkeysEbayShape-O-BallEbayChatter Box TelephoneEbayBreak Dancing CanEbayGlow WormEbayLittle People Play Family GarageEbaySing-A-Long Tape RecorderEbayThere are even more memories on the next page! Lite BriteEbayMagic SlateEbayEtch A SketchEbayDoctor's KitsEbayArt Supply KitsFunny JunkSticky HandsEbayFisher Price Roller SkatesEbayFashion PlatesEbayHow many of these do you remember? Share in the comments!


13 Of The Most Important Games You Absolutely Played During Recess

There was no time more sacred than recess. I mean, it was so important they made a TV called Recess. But it wasn't just that we wanted a break from all those long division problems and spelling tests, we had important things to do!We all treasured recess as kids but what made it so special? The games obviously! We had to find ways to keep busy before cellphones were a thing! Whether it was using the play structures, jumping rope, or playing tag, there are so many games we played at recess that almost make you wish you could


8 Of The Weirdest Play-Doh Sets That Will Make You Want To Be A Kid Again

Play-Doh was one of the best toys ever. They had so many different sets that were so fun to play with and I know for certain you remember that smell. There were a few sets that were the most desirable of them all. The best of the best, the top of our Christmas lists, or the things we wished for when we blew out our birthday candles. There are so many classic kits, let's see if you remember any of them! 1. Fix Me Up DocThe weirdest thing on this box isn't even the open human with the child manically


13 Things We All Wasted Our Money On As Kids

When you were a kid, there was no better moment than when your parents said you could have a dollar or two to spend on something fun. What did we do? Did we save it up so we could buy something really cool? Absolutely not! We went to the dollar store and bought the most random and useless thing we could find and treasured it dearly for about four and a half minutes. There are some things that everyone had even though we honestly do not know why. Here are 13 of the most bizarre and useless things we all


9 Of The Most Stressful Games You Used To Play As A Kid

There are a lot of board games in the universe, some good and some bad. The thing is, some are good in a way but if you think about it they are kind of bizarre. A lot of the games we used to play as kids were just the most stressful things imaginable. There were ticking times, beeping buzzers and exploding brains, all in the name of fun. How many of these games do you remember? How did they not just give us all tiny little heart attacks? Some of these stress me out just to think about them... 1.


9 Dangerous Things Kids Used To Do All The Time

People say that the past is a different country, and it can certainly feel that way looking back on how kids used to behave back in the day.We're not saying all parents nowadays coddle their children, but it's definitely true kids used to be allowed to do some pretty dangerous things. Whether we didn't know any better or we just worry more, kids today will never know what it was like to have an old fashioned childhood where anything was allowed - except bad manners.Take a walk down memory lane with these 9 dangerous things kids don't do