
Everyone Just Found Out That Neopets Was Run By Scientologists And They Are Not Happy About It

When the internet started being used by kids all around the country, there was one site that we all needed to visit. Neopets was the most important website on the internet if you were between the ages of 10-13. It was every middle school kids most important obsession, other than their beanie babies, but somehow these virtual pets felt more real than our tangible toys. You would pick a creature, name it, feed it, play with it, and take it on adventures every single day. You would spin a wheel, helping you collect neopoints, and you could use those points


21 Memories We All Share From Spending Hours Playing Neopets

There are a lot of sights and sounds of the internet from the early 2000s that bring back a flood of memories, but just hearing the word "Neopets" can cause intense flashbacks. We spent hours raising our virtual pets and catering to their every need. If you grew up playing Neopets, these memories are burned into your brain, probably forever.1. First, you had to pick your petsNeopets IncAgh! This is already too much pressure!2. Don't forget to pick up your daily ration of omeletteNeopets Inc.The easiest way to provide for your growing Neo-family.3. And stop by