Pop Culture

We Finally Have An Answer To The Biggest Dilemma Of The Early 00s

In 2002, when rapper Nelly and former Destiny's Child singer Kelly Rowland teamed up for the chart-topping hit "Dilemma," they had no idea that they would be creating one of the biggest mysteries of our generation. In the video for the song, Nelly and Kelly played the role of two people who liked one another, but they could not be with each other because Kelly was dating someone else. However, just when things started to look like they could work out, a texting mix up put a damper on everything. If you recall correctly, Kelly was using an Excel spreadsheet


11 Creepy Toys From Our Childhood That Still Give Us Nightmares

Maybe you weren't a total fraidy-cat like me, but being a kid is still a pretty terrifying experience.While we all dream of going back to the days without work or responsibilities, we forget how scary it was just to walk down into a dark, empty basement when we were kids. Even playtime wasn't safe, because some of our toys could be downright disturbing. These 11 were the creepiest by far:1. The Chatter TelephoneAmino AppsIf your toddler has been fed, changed, taken his nap, and has eaten a full meal, but he still won't stop crying, it's probably because


25 Best Drew Carey Intros on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

The first American version of Whose Line Is It Anyway? was hosted by Drew Carey on ABC and ABC Family. The improvisational comedy sketches have entertained Americans and many others around the world from 1998 to 2007. We can all agree that this show was entertaining from the very first word to the last. Although the British version had some great intros, the American version with Drew Carey was undeniably hilarious. The opening of the show started something like this: “Welcome to Whose Line Is It Anyway?, where everything is made up and the points don’t matter. The points


10 Things About "Friday Night Lights" That Will Leave You With Clear Eyes and A Full Heart

Friday Night Lights was one of the most criminally underrated shows on television. It wasn't until it got cancelled that we all started to appreciate the magic the Dillon Panthers brought us. Smash Williams, Jason Street, Tim Riggins, and Matt Saracen all gave us a love of football, even if we never thought it possible. Plus, Tami Taylor is the guidance counselor we all needed but never got. Here are some things about Friday Night Lights that will leave you screaming "CLEAR EYES, FULL HEARTS, CAN'T LOSE!"1. Life Imitating ArtPop SugarTim Riggins lead a troubled life and even found


25 Nostalgic Things That Are Painfully Relatable To Anyone Who Ever Had A Childhood

They say a picture says a thousand words, but the only words these photos will have you saying is "Oh my god, I totally remember that!"1. The best day in gym classEbaum's WorldNo clue what this was supposed to teach us, but it was always fun.2. How we all learned mathTwitterThough honestly, we mostly used them to have sword fights.3. The seat we all wanted to sit in on roadtripsImgurWe all knew it was the best seat in the house.4. One of the hardest decisions we had to make as kidsDaisy Lane CakesIt would


10 Best Lines From "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

This was arguably one of the only comedy shows from the late '90s to early '00s that required you to have a box of tissues handy to dab away all those tears of joy. If you're one to be easily offended, this show was probably not your favorite. ABCSee what I mean? Now that's not to say everything in this show was offensive, but anything can happen when many scenes are improvised. It wasn't just what they said that was funny, but how they said it. Here are 10 lines that will have you missing the first American version of


14 Toys That'll Instantly Remind You Of Your Childhood, Even Though You Totally Forgot Them

The time when we were kids just running around seems like a lifetime ago. We've changed so much over the years, it has some truth to it. As we grew older, we had experiences that shaped us into the responsible adults we are today. Yet, sometimes we will spy our kids playing with a toy that we used to love, and it will take us back to those moments when we would be inseparable from it. Take a look at these classic items from decades ago, and see if you feel like running home to crack open the toy chest!


10 Books Our Teachers Forced Us To Read That We Ended Up Loving

You've probably been forced to read many books in your academic life, and I'm sure you huffed and puffed wanting to blow the school down, but once you finished some of these books, you were surprised by how good they were. Here's 10 books that you were forced to read, and you're happy your teachers made you! Macbeth by William ShakespeareEmazeAn interesting story with a noteworthy cautionary message. Confidence and perseverance are necessary to feel ambitious enough to reach your goal, but make sure it doesn't become hubris. Macbeth was so full of himself in his quest to become king,