Pop Culture

15 Movies From The Early 2000s That Still Make Us Grab The Popcorn

We were all under the impression that the world would end at the turn of the century. Luckily it didn't, or else we would've missed all these great films. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneThe first movie of the Harry Potter franchise was a huge box office success, generating almost one billion dollars worldwide! This fantasy, action story is packed with compelling characters and an exciting storyline. PopBuzzCharlie and the Chocolate FactoryAlthough it's a remake of the beloved Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971), it's arguably the better one. A fantasy like this requires quality effects that were not


10 Shows We All Watched As Teens That Prove We Lived In The Golden Age Of Television

Let's face it, with a few exceptions, television as it stands now, sucks. "Reality" TV has taken over the air waves and it is systematically making us stupider for watching it. What ever happened to the golden age of TV? Throughout the 00s we were privy to some amazing characters and story lines; that was real entertainment. And if you happened to grow up during that period you were witness to some truly iconic television shows. The current generation will never know the joy of watching these 10 shows on a weekly basis, living through them like you were part

Pop Culture

35 Pictures From Your Childhood That Will Make 90s Kids Say "Whoa, I Remember That"

Don't expect any kernels of wisdom or glowing insights into the past here, we just wanted to bring you this list of seriously nostalgic pictures. Each one is like a miniature blast from the past if you grew up in the '90s. Check it out:1.PBS2.Young Fashioned 3.Harper Collins4. Nickelodeon5. Scholastic6.Nickelodeon7. Nickelodeon8. Cartoon Network9.Imgur10. Wikimedia11. True Startis12. Scholastic13. Imgur14. @Hannah_Lynn212 / Twitter15. Santa22 / YouTubeKeep reading for even more pictures that will transport you back in time...16. Acid Cow17. Lastcallcleaveland / YouTube18.Pikabeara / Imgur19. @Shad0wingD / Twitter20. Electronic Literature21. Nickelodeon22. Wikia23.Imgur24. Fearless Gamer25.Nickelodeon26. NeoGaf27.Buena


The Cast Of 'Sabrina The Teenage Witch' Reunited And Everyone Is Yelling "Woo-Hoo"

Sabrina the Teenage Witch was one of the best shows in the 90s. We already loved Melissa Joan Hart because of Clarissa Explains It All, but when she became Sabrina Spellman she solidified her status as a teen idol. Her ability to be relatable while casting literal magic was something that not a lot of people could have pulled off. She was going through all the usual teen drama, only she also had to hide her true self from her friends. ABCI mean, how many of you had a talking cat growing up? That's something a lot of us would

Pop Culture

7 Shows That Prove We Were All A Little Obsessed With Anime

These English-dubbed Japanese anime shows were aired on channels like Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network. Here's a list of some of our favorites! DigimonMost of us started out watching Pokémon, so Digimon was pretty cool to watch too. It was nice to hear what the Digimon thought, whereas the only Pokémon that could say something was Meowth, and he was annoying anyway. thevoxremixes.bandcamp.comYu-Gi-Oh!This fantasy card game nearly became our reality, whether it was watching the lives of young Yugi Moto and his friends Joey, Tristan, and Téa or playing the trading card game with our friends. IlVideogioco.comSailor


13 Times Ms. Swan Made You Literally Laugh Out Loud

MADTv brought us one of the most timeless sketch comedy characters of all time with Ms. Swan. Alex Borstein brought the character to life during her run on the show, and even though she left in 2002, it's still probably what she's known for best. Ms. Swan is of unknown cultural origin, though all the writers on MADTv insist that she was based off singer Bjork. Ms. Swan had some pretty great sketches, and they all made us laugh out loud. How many do you remember? 1. Ms. Swan Goes To Starbucks2. Ms. Swan At The Candy Store3. Ms. Swan


8 Short-Lived Fads That Were Still Here Too Long

Growing up as a grade school kid during the late 90s and early 00s, I was inundated with a series of fads that seemed to change from year to year. Regardless of what the fad was on any given year, I, like the rest of my classmates, just simply had to have whatever it was. Here are 8 of those fads that you definitely took part in (don't lie).1. Charity Wristbands Being charitable should never be considered a fad, but as a kid growing up in grade school, none of us actually had money to donate to any charities,


15 Things We All Experienced That Will Make Anyone Under 20 Wonder How We Survived

1. Using the wall sharpener only to have it make our pencils look like thisRedditThen, when you tried to fix it your hand would slip and you'd end up destroying your knuckles against the wall.2. Checking the paper to see what was going to be on TVLos Angeles TimesAnd don't forget having to check it for movie times too.3. Putting plastic covers on the tags of our Beanie BabiesCuddly CollectiblesWe had to protect our "investment" until our collection was actually worth something.4. Having to back things up on CDspicasageeks.comA single scratch and you could lose everything.