
There's A New MTV Clothing Line And We Can't Wait To Get Our Hands On It

Hands up if you spent your entire childhood glued to the TV watching all the videos on MTV. Pretty much all of you right? Perfect. Watching MTV was the best. You got to see all of the coolest music videos, which meant that you knew all the best songs, all the newest dance moves, and all the rad styles. As MTV evolved over the years, it kind of lost that magic that made it the go-to location for awesome music, and instead has turned into a reality TV station. Really the only reality show we wanted to watch was The


Claire's May Be Going Bankrupt, But These 11 Iconic Styles Will Live In Our Memories Forever

Raise the alarms, because Claire's, everyone's favorite store to buy earrings and tiaras, is reportedly filing for bankruptcy. That's right, our mall experience will never be the same. Nothing is official yet, but reports are saying that the company has filed for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy which will allow them to continue operating while they try to come up with a plan. They are apparently in debt by over $1.4 billion and with a $60 million interest payment due on March 13th. While the business side of things is not really something that we understand, the shopping aspect is


10 Fashion Mistakes We Were Guilty Of Making In The 80s That We Really Wish We Could Forget

The 80s were a time that not all of us are proud of. We wore a lot of colors, we made a lot of bold hair choices, and our makeup wasn't always as subtle as it could have been, but you know what, it was awesome. Okay, I'm lying, it was kind of a mess. But it was a lovable mess. It was never boring, that's for sure, but we can't really pretend like there weren't dozens of fashion mistakes that we all look at and kind of regret. Don't believe me? Let's take a look. 1. The MulletTaste of


12 Perfumes That Will Transport You Right Back To The 80s

Our sense of smell is closely linked with our memories which explains why we get flooded with nostalgia every time we smell something associated with our past. If you grew up in the 80s, you'll recall that people did not settle for basic. Everything from their hair and clothes to the perfume they wore were far from subtle. Designers took advantage of this brazenness and created some strong scents that matched. They also didn't hold back on the controversial names and bizarre campaigns. AmazonPeople in the 80s embraced these scents and grew very fond of them. In fact, Andy Warhol


10 Accessories Every 80s Girl Wore That Have Thankfully Not Stood The Test Of Time

You know those times you're just sitting thinking about the good ol' days and you smile? Well, do you actually think of everything? I'm not saying today's fashion is amazing compared to eighties fashion. The 80s had style, don't get me wrong. I loved all the color, scrunchies, slogan t-shirts, Reebok shoes, and a bunch of other things. But there were some things I didn't love at all, like these 10 accessories that EVERY 80s girl owned. I'm sure you'll agree. There's a reason they haven't stood the test of time...1. Plastic Charms Google SitesI don't know what I


12 Pictures Of Men’s Fashion From The '70s That Will Make You Glad Baggy Jeans Exist

I'm glad I didn't grow up in the 70s. While women's fashion back in the day wasn't the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, men's fashion was just hideous. Men wore tight booty shorts, bell-bottoms, cable-knit vests, drawstring pants, and lots of other clothes that just yelled "I'm so stylish." But hey, that's just my opinion. Take a look for yourself: 1. If Coachella existed in the '70s, I'm certain all guys would be dressed like this. As a woman, I haven't even worn shorts like that! Vintag2. This Dustin Hoffman look-alike seems like he's having a grand time. On


10 90s Hair Accessories That We Would Travel Back In Time To Stop

Hands up if you grew up in the 90s! Congratulations, you got to live through the greatest decade ever. It was bright, it was colorful, and we had a lot of fun. Sure, most of us were still in our pre-pubescent years or maybe our early teens, but you know what, we loved it. The one thing that still stands out, was the fashion and the style. There were absolutely a few definitive looks that went along with the 90s, and they all involved some weird tools to make them happen. Whether you wanted to braid your hair, crimp it,


10 Trends From The 90s We Would All Really Like To Forget

Listen, we can all reminisce about the 90s until we are blue in the face, but there were some fads that just were a little bit... well, bizarre, is the best way to put it. No decade can claim that they were free from the crazy flash fads that seemed to come and go before anyone could really understand what was going on, but the 90s sure did have some weird ones. How many do you remember? 1. Chain WalletsYou couldn't trust anyone back in the 90s. You had to make sure those things were secured properly into your pocket,