
The Back-to-School Essentials for Every 90's Girl

It feels like it was just yesterday that we all packed up our backpacks with our gel pens and lip smackers, hoped onto our bikes and headed to school. While all the kids go back to school, we reflect on what we used to bring to school with us back in the 90's. How many of these did you have? And more importantly, how shocking do you find it that they are starting to come back into style? Gel Pens Teachers had to start a "no gel pens" policy in schools because everyone was writing their assignments with the glitter


5 Bizarre Examples That Prove Just How Real 'Satanic Panic' Was In The '80s

It seemed like there was no decade more possessed by the devil than the 80s. Well, that's what the media wanted you to believe. If you were alive in the 80s, you absolutely remember hearing that everything and anything was run by the Satanists. Whether it was cartoons, musicians, or even diaper companies, everyone was on high alert. You might think I'm kidding, but it's absolutely true. People everywhere were convinced that the devil worshiping cult was trying to force them into doing his bidding. These were the most bizarre instances of that conspiracy. 1. Pampers DiapersFlickrLet's start with the


Rollerblades Were The Greatest Form Of Transportation In The 90s, And Here's Proof

Admit it, in the 90s, there was nothing cooler than owning a pair of rollerblades. Everyone had to have them. Every kid had them at the top of their Christmas list, and every adult was rushing out to the store to pick up a pair. They came in pretty rad colors, had these intense buckles, and when you wore them you felt like you could move faster than anyone. People wearing inline skates would rocket past you on the sidewalk, making anyone who didn't have them super jealous because they were stuck walking like chumps. It started with athletes, turning


Inflatable Chairs Are Coming Back So You Can Have The 90s Bedroom You Always Wanted

If you were a kid in the 90s, then chances are a house filled with inflatable furniture was your greatest dream. I remember thinking about what it would be like to get my first apartment when I was young, and I figured that a house full of inflatable furniture was an economical option. Granted, I was only nine years old and didn't really think about how uncomfortable that would be. It didn't matter anyway, because by the time I was old enough to have an apartment, inflatable furniture was a thing of the past. Triboo ClubIt's fine, we could live


7 Things Everyone Who Has Ever Watched An '80s Aerobics Video Knows To Be True

The 80s were all about sweatbands, leg warmers, and spandex so tight that it was essentially a second skin. There was this intense workout craze that exploded in popularity, and all of our moms were watching videos or listening to records in the living rooms doing leg lifts and step kicks to some upbeat music. We all remember it, whether we were kids watching our moms or actually the ones doing them ourselves, those 80s workout videos and records were absolutely iconic. If you lived through it, you remember exactly what it was really like. 1. You needed the perfect


20 Retro Products Every Nostalgia Addict Needs To Make Their Home Complete

I think we can all agree that we all have a bit of an obsession with our past. There's something special about the time that we grew up that makes us want to hold onto it harder and harder as we get older. Sure, maybe we are just trying to put off the inevitable, or maybe we are just finally capable of getting all the stuff we wish we could have gotten as kids. There's also the fact that now that we are now living on our own, we get to pick the decor and if we want it all


10 Things Every 90s Kids Absolutely Needed In their Kitchen

When you were growing up, you probably didn't have a lot of choice about what the house looked like. Your parents did all the decorating and had all the money so if you wanted something to be worked in to the style you would have to make a good case for it. The easiest thing to convince them to buy was always kitchen stuff. You could almost always make the excuse that you NEED plates, and you NEED cool cups, and above all else, you NEED silly straws. There are some things that were in pretty much every home. Everyone


Build Your Perfect 90s Friday Night By Picking Your 5 Essential Requirements

First, I would like you to imagine that you are at your childhood house at some point in the late 90s. School's out, your older sister is busy talking on the phone with her best friend, and you and your best bud are ready to get this Friday night started. Your parents are gone out on a rare date night, so it's truly time to go completely wild. There were a few things that were an absolute requirement if you were going to have the most epic night ever. You can pick five of these things to build your perfect