
Can You Feel The Love For These Classic 'Lion King' Collectibles?

The Lion King was one of the biggest Disney movies ever made. The story seemed to captivate audiences both young and old, and you know what else? It made an insane amount of money. Walt Disney PicturesDisney had always done a good job of marketing their products, but it seemed that when The Lion King came out and they finally had a property that would appeal to both boys and girls they were able to go completely warthog-wild with their merchandise. How many of these things do you remember owning? There were a bunch of different options, but it seemed


You Wouldn't Want To Come Across These Creepy Abandoned Buildings By Yourself

There is nothing spookier than an abandoned building. Sure, they can try make those haunted houses at Halloween with ghosts and monsters jumping out from behind every corner, but nothing is as creepy as the real deal. James C FarmerWhether it was a school, a mall, or a hospital, as soon as it starts to look a little worse for wear it immediately looks like the set of a horror movie. How many of these creepy buildings would you be brave enough to walk around? School's Out For Ever:Johnny JooJohnny JooJohnny JooJohnny JooJohnny JooJohnny JooJohnny JooJohnny JooJohnny JooThe Doctor


15 Pictures That Will Make You Feel Like You Are Reliving Your Childhood

It's easy to just leave your childhood in the past and try to only focus on the future, but every once and a while something will catch your eye and send you right back into your memories. No matter how hard you try to repress those memories they always come crawling back. At least you can sometimes control when and where you experience them, and we'd thought we help by giving you a few images that might trigger some particularly strong memories. Check out these 15 pictures that will transport you to your childhood. Gatorade SweatRedditSpud GunsRedditTeddy RuxpinRedditScratch n' Sniff


Microsoft Tried To Kill Their Greatest Creation, But The Internet Wouldn't Let It Die

Everyone panicked when Microsoft announced that that there were a whole bunch of features that they were abandoning in future releases and updates. @Andiblair1492The said they were getting rid of Outlook Express, the Reader app and a few other functions, but the one that caught everyone off guard was them saying that Microsoft Paint would not longer be available. There was panic in the streets! Chaos everywhere you could see! And the sobbing cries of 90s kids who know no system better than Paint. Seriously, just look at the outpouring of love this program got: @DigiUnbox@Laura_Lou81@JustShutUpAdam_@bt_


Next Level Lego Creations That Will Make You Want To Dig Out Your Old Bricks

The Lego movie franchise has kind of exploded in the last few years, but when we were kids we just had to imagine all our favorite movie sets ourselves. Life HackerWe would spend hours crafting models of cars and houses to match our favorite stories because back then we didn't even have as many of those pre-made kits. We had to make it up at we went! Some people were REALLY good at it, while others (like me) would give up after only connecting a brick to one wheel. LegoBut there are those people who are super patient and creative


10 Snacks That Were In Everyone's Lunch Box In Elementary School

Some kids liked gym class, some liked science, a lot of kids thought recess was the best, but really we all know the best time of the day was lunch time. Lunch time was where you got to devour all those amazing treats that were specifically designed for kids to enjoy. Things like: Lunchables PizzasGuffDunkaroosTotally 90sPudding Snack PacksHappy SpeedyHandi SnacksChildren of the 90sRitz Bits SandwichesWikipediaThere are even more amazing snacks we all remember packing in our lunches. Click to the next page to see if you remember them all! Fruit GushersOdysseyFruit by the FootOdysseyCosmic BrowniesOdysseyLittle Hug Fruit BarrelsOdysseyGo-Gurt@GoGurtVitaShare if


7 Fundraisers We All Were Forced To Participate In When We Were Kids Whether We Wanted To Or Not

Being a kid was pretty awesome about 99% of the time. There was always those few moments where it would be nice to be all grown up, but for the most part being a kid was the best. There was one thing that we had to do as kids that was pretty polarizing: Fundraisers.World's Finest ChocolateSome kids hated them, others loved them. Schools would send us home with some kind of item to sell and we would have to wander around the neighborhood collecting names and pledges to make the field trip happen or get that new


10 Completely 'Essential' Things You Absolutely Needed For School

As an adult "summer vacation" doesn't mean the same thing that it used to when we were kids. Before, we would get two months off to play outside, watch cartoons and bike around the block before thinking about getting school supplies. Now, we are honestly just feeling nostalgic for those amazing 90s schools supplies we all wanted. Back-to-school season seems to start earlier every year, but kids today have no idea what they are missing. Our school supplies were just so much better. Well, maybe not better, but definitely a lot more bizarre. We honestly spent so much money on


20 Playgrounds That Absolutely Should Not Exist

You would think designing a playground would be a fun task. Trying to figure out what makes kids happy while keeping them safe is a tough balance but it seems like something that would be an alright job. As it turns out, it's a lot harder than you might think. There's a lot of things that can go VERY wrong. Sometimes the theory of a play structure sounds great, but when you actually build it the result is something less than stellar. These playgrounds are reminiscent of those horrifying abandoned theme parks we looked at before, except they don't have