
25 Things You Can Buy If You Wish It Was Still The '80s

Here today, gone tomorrow, that's what our childhoods felt like. If you're feeling nostalgic for your younger days (and we know you are) maybe some retail therapy is in order. These 25 products make for great gift ideas, or a perfectly self-indulgent pick-me-up.1. Nagel The BookActionistEverything old is new again. This artist's cover for Duran Duran's album Rio made him an '80s icon, and the rest of his work in this art book is just as mesmerizing.Get it here!2. Mix Tape Memory StickSuck UKRemember making mix tapes to impress your crush? Curating a list of songs was


"You Can't Do That On Television" Was The Peak Of 80s TV And Here's Why

There was nothing quite like it when it aired back in the early 80s, and I doubt there ever will be again. You Can't Do That on Television was an instant classic if you grew up watching it and fostered a love of sketch comedy shows that came after it. Looking back, the show holds up really well. Sure, it was aimed at children, but there was something about it's zany out-of-the-box scenes and star-studded characters that kept us coming back for more. The crazy opening animations were probably what we all remember most. They were kind of creepy to


15 Things We All Experienced That Will Make Anyone Under 20 Wonder How We Survived

1. Using the wall sharpener only to have it make our pencils look like thisRedditThen, when you tried to fix it your hand would slip and you'd end up destroying your knuckles against the wall.2. Checking the paper to see what was going to be on TVLos Angeles TimesAnd don't forget having to check it for movie times too.3. Putting plastic covers on the tags of our Beanie BabiesCuddly CollectiblesWe had to protect our "investment" until our collection was actually worth something.4. Having to back things up on CDspicasageeks.comA single scratch and you could lose everything.


The Most Iconic Style Trend From The Early 2000s Is Back And Everyone Is Wondering Why

Fashion and beauty seem to be cyclical in nature. Whatever was stylish at one point seems to always make its comeback. The problem is, we don't always want it to happen. The late 90s and early millennium were an interesting time to be alive. There were a lot of really low-cut pants with high-rise underwear, crop tops, and so many hair extensions. One of the more notorious style choices we remember from that time period was the chunky highlights. Everyone from Christina to Kelly Clarkson was rocking the look. It was happening all over the place. RCAPeople would either start


12 Facts About 'All In The Family' That Will Have You Saying "Those Were The Days"

On the air from 1971 to 1979, All In The Family was a staple television show many of us watched with our parents. ‘‘The program you are about to see is All in the Family. It seeks to throw a humorous spotlight on our frailties, prejudices, and concerns. By making them a source of laughter, we hope to show—in a mature fashion—just how absurd they are,'" was the disclaimer that CBS ran before the start of the first episode. Not only did the show push the envelope, it went so far past the line that it kept


13 Costumes Kids Wore In The 90s That Will Make You Miss Trick-Or-Treating

Trick-or-treating was the highlight of fall. When you're a kid, there is nothing more important than your trick-or-treating plans. You have to pick the right neighborhood, you have to figure out which houses are giving out full size candy bars, and of course you need to have the best costume. There is no point to going trick-or-treating if you don't put the effort in. Sure, some of the older kids would just throw a cape on and pretend like it was enough, but when we were young we took it seriously. SydlexiaWe didn't have a lot of control over the

Pop Culture

20 Celebrity Wax Figures That Are As Hideous As They Are Hilarious

Having a wax figure created in your likeness is supposed to be a big honor, it means that you have truly made it in the world of entertainment. Madame Tussauds is the pinnacle of this, but there are always others who are going to attempt it with far less success. Some of the attempted knock offs are so bad that I had to really research who they were attempting to recreate, and then decide if it was an attempt at flattery or mockery. Without further adieu, here are 20 of the worst celebrity wax figures you will ever have the


10 Game Consoles We Spent Hours Playing But Now Barely Remember

While game companies like Nintendo have been bringing back their classic consoles, the industry has a very selective memory. Not all of the consoles we owned growing up were global hits. In fact, we spent hours playing games on these 10 forgotten systems:1. Sega DreamcastPolygonAh, take your mind back to just before this console's famous 9/9/99 release date. Remember how excited you were? The console's 32-bit graphics were quickly overshadowed by the PlayStation 2, especially since the Dreamcast was launched with barely any great games.While the console was later home to hits like Sonic Adventure, Shen