Food and Snacks

7 Reasons Why None Of Us Will Ever Forget The Glorious Pizza Hut Experience

I don't know about you, but for me, Pizza Hut wasn't just a restaurant. Pizza Hut was a magical place that only existed when you got a straight-A report card or had a birthday. There wasn't a location nearby to my town, so going to Pizza Hut was an event. But I think that even those who went more often still know all about the power of the Hut. Going to Pizza Hut doesn't seem like it's as big of a deal anymore, if anything people tend to forget it exists. But those of us who know the truth and


After 15 Years Apart, BBMak Are Finally "Back Here" Again

As the 90s faded out, and the new millennium rushed forward, a lot changed. Clothes became very shiny, hair became excessively straightened, and people started to get cellphones. There was one thing that didn't change right away though, and that was that boy bands still reigned supreme. Backstreet Boys and *Nsync were obviously the two biggest groups who were constantly in a battle for the crown, but there was an entire league of boy bands that had a whole bunch of hits that a lot of us were completely obsessed with. BBMak was one of those bands. While they may


Mario Lopez & Tiffani Thiessen Reunite, Reveal What Their Kids Think About Their Iconic Show

I think we can all agree that Saved By The Bell is one of the most iconic shows of the 90s. Watching Zack Morris and friends navigate through their time at Bayside High was so formative for so many of us. Although, while we found ourselves completely addicted to to the show, the actors who actually played the characters had an even deeper connection. Mario Lopez and Tiffani Thiessen recently appeared together on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. If you watch the show even once, you know that Mario Lopez played A.C. Slater, and Tiffani Thiessen was the one and

Food and Snacks

The Very Last Blockbuster Store Has Launched Their Own Exclusive Beer

Everyone who grew up in the 80s and 90s knows that Blockbuster was the coolest place in the world. Every opportunity you'd get, you'd rush down to the video store to search the aisles for your new favorite movie. You'd always check the new releases first, and if nothing sparked your curiosity, you'd head over to the older movies and search until something looked fun. It was always the best part of the week, and the fact that there is only one Blockbuster left in the country is kind of heartbreaking. 15 dollars later and you could have a blockbuster

Pop Culture

Wile E. Coyote Is Finally Getting His Own Movie So The Road Runner Better Watch Out

Everyone has watched Bugs Bunny and his buddies get up to all kinds of crazy hijinks, and we all had our favorite characters. Some people really loved watching Sylvester fail to catch Tweety, while others preferred to watch Bugs completely humiliate Elmer Fudd. For me, Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner were always one of my favorite parts of the entire show. If you ever need a lesson on persistence, Wile was your guy. No matter how badly he failed, how many cliffs he fell off of, or mountains he ran into, that dedicated and hungry fellow never gave


Forget Reboots, All Of Nickelodeon's Classics Are Coming To A Computer Near You

You know how everything and anything is being rebooted these days? Whether it's Roseanne, Alf, or even Frasier, a lot of us are getting really fed up with the attempts at bringing back our old favorites. Why are we so upset about it? Well, these shows were perfect to begin with, so why bother remake them? I would rather just watch all my favorite episodes again and again, I don't need new stories. If I wanted new stories I would watch something completely new and original, so just bring back the classics and let me live my nostalgia-based life.NickelodeonBut


John Goodman Opens Up About 'Roseanne' Controversy, Gives More Details About Spin-Off

The Roseanne reboot was one of those things that people were nervous about, but when it actually started airing, people seemed to love it. That was until Roseanne Barr tweeted offensive messages and got the show canceled. People were disappointed about the cancellation, but ABC quickly found a way to remedy the situation. After buying out Barr's rights to the show, they were able to create a new spin-off called The Conners, which features all of the cast from Roseanne, except for Barr herself. So now that everyone will be back starting on October 16th, people have started trying to


Sean Astin Talks Bruises, Box-Office Failure, And Big Tackles Behind The Cult Classic 'Rudy'

Sean Astin is one of the most underrated actors from the 90s. People always remember the big stars like Leonardo DiCarprio or Jonathon Taylor Thomas, but unless specifically mentioned, Astin's success seems to be forgotten. It's a real shame too, because his movies were such classics. He was in a lot of classics like Goonies and of course Lord of the Rings, but it was his movie about a persistent football player that should be on everyone's mind. Rudy was actually one of the best sports movies ever. It came out 25 years ago, and after all this time it's


There Used To Be A Yogi Bear "Graveyard" And It Was As Creepy As You Want It To Be

I think we can all agree that abandoned theme parks are one of the most interesting places on the planet. Between the haunted figures left behind, and the run-down rides that look like they belong in a horror movie, they are just super fun to look at. But honestly, it doesn't even need to be a theme park. Abandoned places tend to be fascinating no matter what they are. However, I think we can all agree that the more unusual it is, the better. Well, the latest place that has taken the internet by storm is a forest known as


25 Bridesmaids Dresses That'll Actually Make You Glad The 80s Are Over

Listen, getting married in the 80s was kind of wild. Not only did you have to deal with the big hair, mullets, and mustaches, but the fashion was a whole other bag of worms. There was no way to predict how insane the dresses were going to look, but it was always safe to assume they would be pretty wild. Puffy sleeves, shiny fabric, and a lot of ruffles seemed to be the norm at the time. Let's not forget that return to the Victorian era that saw women trying to dress like an old-time princess. But, we brave the