
The Craziest Things Movies Have Done To Get The Perfect Shot

Every movie needs a director, and every director has a vision for the movie. While most things can be left to the skills of the actors or the special effects crew, sometimes the perfect shot needs a higher level of creativity. Not all of these were the best idea (in fact some of it may have been abuse) but no one can deny that the directors of these movies were able to do something incredible, with a little bit of ingenuity. Rocky IVQueensland TimesEven though Rocky ends up winning this one, the final fight against Ivan Drago nearly cost Stallone


Dana Carvey Was A Star We Were 'Not Worthy' Of, But What Happened That Made Him Vanish?

There are a lot of stars who completely fell out of the spotlight even though they seemed too big to fail. Whether they leave for personal reasons, medical issues, or just because they want to slow down, it's always interesting to take a look back and see where our old favorite celebrities went. Dana Carvey managed to become one of the biggest character actors of his time. After getting his big break on Saturday Night Live, Carvey seemed to be headed for success. He had many breakout characters but it all started with the Church Lady, who helped him become


5 Bizarre Examples That Prove Just How Real 'Satanic Panic' Was In The '80s

It seemed like there was no decade more possessed by the devil than the 80s. Well, that's what the media wanted you to believe. If you were alive in the 80s, you absolutely remember hearing that everything and anything was run by the Satanists. Whether it was cartoons, musicians, or even diaper companies, everyone was on high alert. You might think I'm kidding, but it's absolutely true. People everywhere were convinced that the devil worshiping cult was trying to force them into doing his bidding. These were the most bizarre instances of that conspiracy. 1. Pampers DiapersFlickrLet's start with the


'Halloween' Producer Wants To Revive 'Scream' And 'I Know What You Did Last Summer'

When it comes to classic horror movies, I think we can all agree that Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer are two of the best. These movies are iconic, and while a lot of people hate remakes and reboots, there's one person who is itching to get his hands on them. Jason Blum and his company, Blumhouse Productions is responsible for several iconic horror movies. He's also the one taking a run at bringing back Michael Meyers in the new installment of Halloween. Flickr - Gage SkidmoreThe movie premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last weekend,


'Scream' Fans Can Go To A Party At 'Stu's House' And Even Get A Call From Ghostface

We all want to take some time an live in the worlds that our favorite movies create for us. Imagine how fun it would be to step inside the delightful worlds that people work so hard to make? Most of them would be super fun to explore, but there's one type of movie that most people would probably want to avoid. Horror movies are generally the kind of genre that you enjoy watching, but wouldn't want to experience first hand. Trying to fight off a murder is really not most people's idea of a fun time, or at least that's