
25 Incredible Tattoos That'll Make You Nostalgic For Your Childhood

When we grew up, tattoos seemed to be just for the 'edgy' people. Or at least that's what my parents always told me. But luckily, times have changed, and people's views on tattoos have too. You don't have to be some rough biker to get a tattoo, you can be an accountant, a college student, or a doctor. It really doesn't matter. It's your body, do with it what you will. Personally, I love tattoos and think they are such a good way to express yourself and the things you love. And what do we all love more than anything?

Pop Culture

10 Strong And Powerful Female Characters We All Wished We Could Be In The 90s

Growing up in the 90s was a great time. We had the best toys, the most outrageous clothes, and obviously the most amazing music. But the one thing we were really lucky to have was a lot of really amazing, strong, tough, and unique women and girls in our movies and TV shows. While it may seem like a simple thing to some, it's nice to see these cool girls and women who are capable of fighting for themselves, standing up for what they believe, and going against the stereotypical roles that women are always put in. We were lucky


10 Things That Helped Us All Survive Elementary School In The 90s

Going to elementary school is something that we all had to do, but we all had different experiences. Socially, elementary school was a battlefield. It was exhausting and more dramatic than it needed to be, but at least we all grew up before the internet was a thing. Nowadays kids have to deal with their bullies following them home, at least virtually, and never getting a chance to be alone. Even if it's from their friends, kids should have some time to themselves, right? Disney ChannelWell, when we grew up in the 90s, times were just a lot simpler. Who


Their Songs Defined The 90s, But Where Are Our Favorite One Hit Wonders Now?

There are so many one hit wonders in the world. It's kind of sad to think about, because they worked hard on that song and it's not really their fault that they didn't stay popular. People's tastes change so quickly, it's almost impossible to keep up. But what happens to these people? When you have a huge song, what do you do after that? Do you go back to work? Do you just live off the money you earned in the 90s? Well, let's take a look at some of our favorite 90s one hit wonders and see what happened


*NSYNC Played 'Never Have I Ever' And Confess One Of Them Hooked Up With A Spice Girl

*NSYNC was one the biggest boy bands in the world, and it feels like it has been an eternity since we last saw them perform. Technically it has been 16 years since the iconic band went on their "hiatus," and just over 10 years since they officially confirmed that it wasn't temporary. But even though they have been out of the public eye as a group, they have all been working on their solo careers and keeping busy. After all of these years, the world has decided that even though they broke up a long time ago, it's time that


10 Snacks From Your Childhood That You Didn't Realize You Can Still Get Today

Listen, it's fine to reminisce about all the things we used to have, but sometimes it's downright frustrating to remember everything that you want to eat, and then not be able to eat it. Instead, let's take a moment and remember the good and wonderful companies that are still providing us with super good treats and meals that taste like our childhood. Sure, their health value is questionable at best, but who are we to judge! Enjoy yourself, think of this as the shopping list for your retro theme party! This what you can still get:1. Teddy GrahamsWikipediaStill as


5 Fashion Items That Have Been Successfully Resurrected, And 5 We'd Rather Stay Dead

Fashion is one of those things that seems to have a cycle that everything follows, so the same things become popular every few years. It has been happening since the dawn of fashion really, but it's just a lot weirder when it's the stuff you grew up wearing. When you see a young kid rock the same style of outfit you wore when you were their age you suddenly feel like you've traveled through time. You'd expect for fashion to evolve over the years, but it honestly doesn't. It just spins in circles, occasionally scooping up some new additions or


10 Things We Grew up Doing That Are No Longer Socially Acceptable

There's something so complicated about getting older, because it's not just our bodies that changes, it's the world around us. So while we get older and start experiencing all these aches and pains (hey mystery back spasm, I'm talking to you), we also have to accept the fact that things that used to seem normal to us are no longer acceptable. Gone are the days of saying things without a second thought, or doing things without technology, because the world is a different place than it used to be. Granted it changes every year, and I'm sure our childhood was


Stirrup Pants Are Back In Style And We Don't Know How To Feel About It

We've all been there, the mall with our moms impatiently waiting to go to the toy section. She wants us to buy some new pants for school because we tore three holes in them last week. She says you have to try things on because you are growing too fast and she isn't sure what size you are, but honestly, there is nothing you want to do less than that. You rush through everything quickly, finding the size you need and then it isn't until years later when you look at the pictures of your childhood that you realize what


It's Been 25 Years Since 'The Sandlot', But They Reunited On The Field And It Was A Total Homerun

Can you believe that it has been 25 years since we first met Smalls, Benny, Ham, Squints, DeNunez, Yeah-Yeah, Timmy, Bertram, and Repeat? The 1993 classic follows Scotty Smalls as he tried to join a local baseball team, but after a rough start, eventually he finds his place on the team. The kids have to be careful of the big "Beast" that will apparently destroy anything that comes in his yard, but when a baseball signed by Babe Ruth gets stuck inside, the kids are forced to take on the beast. 20th Century FoxNeedless to say, it doesn't go great.