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10 Things We All Did On MSN Messenger That Now Fill Us With Shame

The early 2000s were a tumultuous time with weird beauty trends and angsty music; we really had to find a few things to help us survive. The best and most popular way to thrive socially in the early 00s was to spend every possible moment on whichever instant messenger you were a fan of. MSN was by far the most popular, but there were also others like AOL and Yahoo. There were certain things we all did while using these services to make ourselves stand out, how many are you guilty of? 1. Typing your name out with aLtErNaTiNg CaPiTaLiZaTiOn


Did You Know There Was Actually A Reason For That Awful Dial Up Sound?

It's a sound none of us can ever forget. One we haven't heard in over a decade but it still is in our minds as if it was just playing. It starts off slow with a few beeps and a couple boops, but then it really gets into it with a loud: "Psssshhccchhhhhhh dingkinnnggchchch dingdong dingdong" and then it's over and you are connected to the internet. The ChiveDial-up modems were the best we had for a while, and while you may not remember the frustration that came along with them, there were a lot of problems.Now, anytime you


The Biggest Struggles 90s Kids Survived That Kids Today Would Not Understand

Growing up in the 90s presented an interesting set of challenges. We were the first kids to learn about the internet, we were able to survive without DVRs, and we didn't have cellphones. We really had a lot of things going on! There were some problems and struggles that are fairly universal that we all went through, and it's time to air it all out. Let's see if you ever experienced these dreaded problems from the 90s. When you were on the internet but then your parents needed the phoneWhen your tape would get tangled but you didn't have a


10 Search Engines From The 90s That Make Us Grateful For Google

Before Google became the ruler of the internet, the competition for top search engine was pretty fierce. It seemed like there was an endless array of options, all attempting to be better than the next. There were many with a gimmick, a lot of really bad ones, and even a few that are still around today! Do you remember a time before Google? If so, you probably used one of these. 1. DogpileBecause back then it was important to have an "Ebay Auctions" button on the side for easy access. Also instead of "search" you would click "fetch", which always


7 Times 90s Shows Tried To Warn Us About The Internet With Hilarious Results

Remember when you were young and just starting to learn how to use the internet? It can be a real creepy place, but at the time we didn't know that. We thought it was all Neopets and friends chatting, but sitcoms had to find a way to work these real world computer issues into their shows, and the way they did it ends up looking pretty ridiculous now. These shows had to make things entertaining, while simultaneously trying to warn us about computers because people were honestly still a bit afraid of them at the time. I guess because we


The 'Matilda Challenge' Is Purest Thing On The Internet You Didn't Know You Needed

I don't know about you, but every time I see these so-called "challenges" that teens are doing I get completely thrown off. Why are kids eating laundry detergent? Why are they jumping out of moving vehicles? I'm sure the older generation thought the same about the weird things we did, but at least we didn't have the internet so it wasn't like it spread all that far. But now there is finally one that we can all get behind. Not only is it impressive, but brings back a classic moment from one of the best movies ever. Introducing the "Matilda


10 Agonizing Struggles We All Went Through That Kids Today Just Won't Understand

When we were kids, there were a lot of situations that frustrated us. We were young, our hormones were going up, down, and all over the place, and we just couldn't keep our angst in line. However there were certain things that seemed to set it off more than others. Whether it was a minor inconvenience or a major struggle, there were just some things that were absolutely painful to us. Looking back, they seem trivial and minute, but you know what, we were entitled to feel what we felt... Right? 1. The agony of realizing there is no tape


Everyone Just Found Out That Neopets Was Run By Scientologists And They Are Not Happy About It

When the internet started being used by kids all around the country, there was one site that we all needed to visit. Neopets was the most important website on the internet if you were between the ages of 10-13. It was every middle school kids most important obsession, other than their beanie babies, but somehow these virtual pets felt more real than our tangible toys. You would pick a creature, name it, feed it, play with it, and take it on adventures every single day. You would spin a wheel, helping you collect neopoints, and you could use those points