
Kids Today Have No Idea How Much Work Taking Pictures Used To Be

Having your picture taken when you were a kid was a lot different than it is today. We didn't get to take simple selfies while looking at our expressions in a screen. We didn't get to take 100 pictures until it turned out right. We didn't even get to see what the pictures looked like FOR DAYS! Times have changed. Every kid has their own cellphone now, all of which are equipped with very fancy cameras. They can immediately see their pictures and delete, retake or post them where ever they want. It's a lot different from how we used


10 Things You Absolutely Did Every Time You Went Shopping With Your Parents

At one point or another, your parents had to bring you to the store. Whether you wanted to or not, your parents needed to get groceries, clothes or general house things that were a real pain in the butt for you.There were two type of kids, the ones that enjoyed going shopping and the ones who would rather do anything else. Some kids appreciated the giant playground that a store could be, while the rest were just dreading every second of it. If you ever went shopping with your parents chances are you remember at least one of these


13 Of The Worst Things That Could Possibly Happen To You In The 90s

Growing up we had a lot of stuff going on. There were new technologies being thrown at us every day, a crazy new fashion styles that seemed to change every year, and we were all going through puberty.That's a a lot for kids to handle! We were all being challenged mentally, emotionally and physically. The trials and tribulations we went through maybe weren't the most dramatic things ever compared to other generations, but they were ours and it's pretty hilarious to look back at what used to be our biggest problems. 1. Bottoms of your baggy pants getting soaked


Summer In The 90s Was Better And There's No Debate

Now that we are getting closer to the real summer months, you know kids are just itching to get into that summer vacation time. But really, ours was just infinitely better than theirs could possibly be! OMGStoryThe things we did, the shows we watched, the games we played, everything we had has got to be better than what kids have now right? The day in the life of a kid on summer vacation in the 90s had a few things that had to happen. You would wake up, eat some kind of amazing cereal that was essentially chocolate, cookies or


The Biggest Struggles 90s Kids Survived That Kids Today Would Not Understand

Growing up in the 90s presented an interesting set of challenges. We were the first kids to learn about the internet, we were able to survive without DVRs, and we didn't have cellphones. We really had a lot of things going on! There were some problems and struggles that are fairly universal that we all went through, and it's time to air it all out. Let's see if you ever experienced these dreaded problems from the 90s. When you were on the internet but then your parents needed the phoneWhen your tape would get tangled but you didn't have a


10 Futuristic Gadgets From 'The Jetsons' That We Actually Have Today

When you were a kid watching The Jetsons, you probably found yourself saying "I wish I had that." They had robot maids, jet packs, and basically everything you could ever hope for, but it all felt like it was stuff that was so far in the future that we would never get to experience it. However, looking back at all those things we thought were sooooo cool when we were kids, a lot of them are actually available in one way or another. It's crazy how many things seem totally normal to us now, but even just 30 years ago


13 Things That People Miss From The 90s That'll Give You Serious Nostalgia

The 90s were a pretty magical time. We had neon pants, crimped hair, and the best Nintendo games ever. There was a Disney renaissance, TV sitcoms were epic, and the music was everything we could ever hope it would be. Looking back, it's hard to pick just one thing that stands out as the most iconic moment of the 90s, but really you don't have to. We all have enough 90s love to remember it all. People on Twitter spent their weekend sharing what their favorite things about the 90s were and now we are having some pretty intense flashbacks


19 Ways Life Was Completely Different Before Smartphones

Having a smartphone these days is almost a necessity. You need them for work, you need them to talk to your friends, and you really just need them for basically everything else. They come in handy, sure, but it's hard not to look back on the days of being "off the grid" and remember how good that felt? When we were young, we didn't need to keep up with our friends and family at all times. We could just enjoy our day, talk to the people we were around, and actually go to the things we said we would at