
What Have The Kids Been Up To Since Leaving "Camp Nowhere?"

It was every kid's dream: go away to camp for the summer with all your friends, and absolutely no supervision. Camp Nowhere showed us what it would be like to be left to your own devices, with the only adult around a weird, in hindsight extremely creepy, former teacher. The movie focuses on Morris "Mud" Himmel, who dreads being sent to computer camp for another summer. He and his friends come up with the plan to invent fake camps and convince their parents to send them there. They blackmail former teacher Dennis Van Welker, played by Christopher Lloyd, into helping


10 Baby Names From 80s And 90s Pop Culture That Deserve A Comeback

As we all get older and start having our own families, names start to become something that people consider a little bit more. Whether it's for your future child or your future pet, it is always nice to name things after something that means a lot to you. For all of us 80s and 90s kids, that means we have a lot of really iconic names to choose between. Whether it was movies, TV shows, music artists or anything else, there are so many iconic pop culture names that we should absolutely consider when we have to name something in


Macaulay Culkin Turned Down "Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars" To Be On 'Big Bang Theory'

Even if you don't like the show, it's hard to deny that The Big Bang Theory has taken over television. If I hear one more person say "BAZINGA!" unironically, I might lose my mind. The show's stars have basically set themselves up for life with their contracts, each making $1 million per episode. It seems hard to believe that someone would turn down the opportunity to be a part of such a massive television hit, but Macaulay Culkin did just that. CBSIn the Home Alone actor's defense, though, he was offered the show before it even aired. That being said,

Pop Culture

10 Facts About Dr. Seuss That You Would Never Be Able To Guess From His Books

He's been gone for nearly 27 years, but Dr. Seuss left behind a legacy that will last for generations. I remember my parents reading his books to me when I was a toddler, then when I was able to read myself, I wasted no time in getting through favorites like Cat In The Hat and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.During the holidays, the entire family watched How The Grinch Stole Christmas, and like every other grad, my parents gave a copy of Oh The Places You'll Go when I finished high school. In many ways, Dr.