Pop Culture

8 Times Super Heroes Were Actually Really Offensive

What we as adults tend to find offensive, kids barely even seem to notice. This is especially true for cartoons, movies, and comic books. It is only when we look back at some of the shows that we used to love to watch that we begin to notice things like stereotypes playing prominently throughout the stories. Here are eight of the most offensive super hero cartoons to ever make it onto television.1. Captain Planet The basis for this show was great, saving our planet by being environmentally conscious, there were always teachable moments from every episode. The long and


10 Goosebumps Books That Still Scare Us As Adults

I remember having to get a note signed by my parents in order to be able to borrow and read any of the Goosebumps books from my grade school library. I was only in grade 2, but I still wanted to be able to scare myself with these (now classic) kids books. My kids are almost at the age where I am comfortable reading them the stories that I grew up on, and when that day comes I am going to very excited. If you're in the same boat, here at the 10 Goosebumps books I recommend that you start


10 Wildly Inappropriate Moments From Your Favorite Childhood Cartoons

As I sit and watch cartoons with my children these days, I notice quite a stark difference between the content now portrayed compared to what I remember watching as a child myself. Illustrators and writers are more aware of what will be deemed inappropriate, and they go to great lengths to avoid anything controversial. It wasn't always this way. Here are 10 times that cartoons from my childhood crossed a line into, "did that just really happen?"1. Rugrats - Tommy and Angelica's head.I am sure that no one drew this up intentionally, in fact, without the screen shot


10 Movie Scenes That Disney Couldn't Get Away With Now

As a child born in the 80s, I grew up watching classic Disney movies. As children our innocence stops us from picking up on some of the more controversial aspects of these films. Over the last half-century, Disney has definitely pushed the envelope on what is acceptable a number of times. Several times they went so far out of bounds (not considered so at the time) that if they tried it today they would be quickly at the mercy of public opinion.Here are 10 instances where Disney definitely crossed a line, at least by today's standards. 1. Pinocchio smoking


10 Shows We All Watched As Teens That Prove We Lived In The Golden Age Of Television

Let's face it, with a few exceptions, television as it stands now, sucks. "Reality" TV has taken over the air waves and it is systematically making us stupider for watching it. What ever happened to the golden age of TV? Throughout the 00s we were privy to some amazing characters and story lines; that was real entertainment. And if you happened to grow up during that period you were witness to some truly iconic television shows. The current generation will never know the joy of watching these 10 shows on a weekly basis, living through them like you were part


10 Rap Songs That Prove The 90s Were A Rapper's Paradise

The 90s are considered the golden age of rap and hip-hop. So many of the legends that we look back upon today came out of that era, and many of them ended up dying well before they should have. The rap music scene of today is a stark difference, as such it makes you wish we were back in the 90s if for no other reason than we can actually understand the lyrics. With that being said, here are the 10 of the greatest rap songs of the 90s, and by definition, 10 of the best rap songs of all


8 Short-Lived Fads That Were Still Here Too Long

Growing up as a grade school kid during the late 90s and early 00s, I was inundated with a series of fads that seemed to change from year to year. Regardless of what the fad was on any given year, I, like the rest of my classmates, just simply had to have whatever it was. Here are 8 of those fads that you definitely took part in (don't lie).1. Charity Wristbands Being charitable should never be considered a fad, but as a kid growing up in grade school, none of us actually had money to donate to any charities,

Pop Culture

20 Celebrity Wax Figures That Are As Hideous As They Are Hilarious

Having a wax figure created in your likeness is supposed to be a big honor, it means that you have truly made it in the world of entertainment. Madame Tussauds is the pinnacle of this, but there are always others who are going to attempt it with far less success. Some of the attempted knock offs are so bad that I had to really research who they were attempting to recreate, and then decide if it was an attempt at flattery or mockery. Without further adieu, here are 20 of the worst celebrity wax figures you will ever have the

Pop Culture

A Look Back At The Gum We All Hated, But Had To Buy Anyway

In January 2013, Bazooka Joe Comics, which had been wrapped around every piece of Bazooka Joe gum for 58 years, are changing. The strange and sometimes off-color jokes are now being replaced with brain teasers. “Instead of a cheesy joke,” Anthony Trani, Bazooka Candy Brands’ vice president of marketing, told The New York Times, “we wanted to have a fun, engaging activity for kids” that would ultimately, he later said, “make the brand relevant again.” Graphicsbuzz.comI loved opening this comics as a kid, even if they were "cheesy". With that being said, let's take a look back at 58


Turns Out The Olsens Aren't Actually Identical Twins

In Touch WeeklyIf you were a child of the 90s (specifically a young girl) you were likely a fan of the Olsen twins's movies. I myself, have a little sister, so I have admittedly seen way more of these films than I care to remember. The two Olsens, Mary-Kate and Ashley, were always portrayed as identical twins, both on-screen and in real life. So here is the shocker, the Olsen twins are not truly identical! .It may have been difficult to tell when they were younger, but now that they are well in adulthood you can easily see the differences