
10 Things You Miss From Your Childhood, Even Though You Pretend Not To

Y'know those things we all loved in the 90s but pretend to hate? We don't really hate them. It just seems like something we have to say when we're talking to everyone else about "how lame" everything was and how things are better now. Well LISTEN UP. They are not better. Things now are dumb and confusing and all around not cool. Do I sound like a cranky old lady when I say this? Yes. Do I care? Not even a little bit. Maybe it's because all the things we do or have now relate to being an adult, but


15 Lies You Definitely Told Your Parents As A Teenager

As I've grown up, and looked back at these lies I've told, I started to realize everyone tells the same lies to their parents. If that's the case, our parents definitely knew we were lying the whole time. It could also be that they were incredibly naive and believed we were the angels the hoped we'd be. 1. "I'm going to stay the night at my friends house."Maybe you were going to your friends house, but you definitely weren't staying there. 2. "Report cards haven't come out yet."This was a tricky one because you had to pray that


16 Lies Our Parents Told Us As Kids That We Only Realized As Adults

Some of these lies make me wonder if they actually might be true, and others make me realize my parents were just brilliant. 1. The light inside the car was illegal to have on while driving. So, apparently it is totally legal but our parents just found it annoying? Well, mom how do you expect me to find my toy that fell on the ground without the light on?  Throwbacks2. Peeing in a pool will release a dye, so everyone will know.My entire time growing up, I believed that if I peed in a pool, my pee would


There's A Scientific Reason The Music You Loved As A Teenager Is Better

If you take a look at your most recently played songs, what shows up? Is there anything that has been released in the past 10 years? Unlikely. Most of us tend to listen to a lot of nostalgia-inducing music which comes from our childhood and teen years. If you thought you might be along on this, you'd be wrong. In a recent article from the New York Times, it was uncovered that most people base their tastes, music or otherwise, on their formative years. “The most important period for men in forming their adult tastes were ages 13 to 16,


10 Awful Truths Kids From The '90s Are Only Just Realizing Now

Growing up in the 90s, we had a lot of lies told to us. For example, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Didn't you though, Bill?However, there are some more subtle things from our childhoods that we're just starting to come around to, and some of them have me SHOOK (did I used that right? I can never tell). 1. That "farm" wasn't a real place. When I was young, my caregiver had a litter of bunnies. I wasn't allowed to take one home (because my parents were smarter than that) but I got to choose


10 Things We Did In The School Bathroom, Besides Actually Using It

It's awfully sad how much I enjoyed going to the school bathroom. There was so much to do there, that is if it didn't smell disgusting. Most of the time they smelled like cleaning products, which wasn't the worst thing ever. If you think about it, we spent a lot of time in school bathrooms, but what did we actually do there? Here are 10 things we did in a school bathroom, aside from actually using it for its intended purpose. 1. Using it as a hideoutBlinvy's Teenage WastelandWhen the weather wasn't great or you just needed some


10 Stores From The '90s That Will Make You Miss Hanging Out At The Mall

Every kid loves hanging out at the mall. It's the perfect excuse to see your friends, snack on some greasy food, and best of all, run amok in stores that were awesome to just browse.These 10 stores haven't been around for some time, but even just seeing their entrances is enough to take us back to the 90s.The Sharper ImageImgurSure it still exists online, but browsing pinball machines I'll never buy in a million years just doesn't feel as interesting when it's not in person.Sam GoodyBy Punkrawker4783 [Public domain], from Wikimedia CommonsWhen you needed the best new


The Origin Of The Most Unusual Fad Of The 90s Proves It's Much More Than A Flash In The Pan

We all remember that one kid on the playground who was slapping around a stick as though it was the most impressive thing in the universe. Sure, it probably required a decent amount of skill, but the Devil Sticks fad died out fairly quickly and we all moved on to the next great craze. But the truth is, Devil Sticks aren't just a 90s thing. They actually started over a century before they became a craze on every playground in the country. The Origin Of Devil SticksIt's hard to know the exact origin of Devil Sticks, mostly because they go


Don't Freak Out, But Toy Story Land Is Happening

YOU. GUYS. I hope you've got some money in the bank and vacation days ready to be taken, because Disney is opening Toy Story Land and it's about to get real. Admittedly, this isn't breaking news. In 2015, Disney announced they'd be unveiling an 11-acre park dedicated entirely to Toy Story. "Toy Story Land will invite guests to step into the whimsical world of Pixar Animation Studios' blockbuster films where playtime stretches longer than a Slinky Dog. Guests will feel like they've shrunk to the size of a toy as they play in Andy's backyard with their favorite Toy Story