
Are Your Old Pogs Actually Worth As Much As People Claim?

People like to look back at their childhood and think about all the cool stuff they had. We all collected Beanie Babies, Pokemon Cards, Polly Pockets, and more, but one of the weirdest obsessions we all had was the Pog craze. Pogs were perhaps one of the most popular toys (if you could really call them that) of the 90s. They were basically little cardboard disks that had pictures on them, and the point of them was to collect as many as you could, trade them with your friends, and maybe compete for more using your "Slammer". A lot of


Geoffrey The Giraffe Says Goodbye To Toys 'R' Us And We Can't Help But Get Choked Up

The time has come. Even though we tried to put it off, delay it, or pretend it wasn't happening, the day has arrived. Toys 'R' Us is gone. The doors are closed, the stores are empty, and Geoffrey is out of a job. That's right, Geoffrey the Giraffe, the one who you were always so excited to see when you were a kid, is now unemployed. A former employee of the store shared some final photos of the now empty location before the doors closed for good, and it's absolutely heart-wrenching to see all those empty shelves. It's the store


13 Snacks You Ate At Every 80s Birthday Party That You're Going To Start Craving Again

It doesn't matter that you can go to basically any grocery store and find a confetti cake mix. That's not the point. Never again will you be able go to Stacey Whatsherface's house and eat five cupcakes, a whole bag of a Cheetos, and a liter of fruit punch and have it bring you the same amount of joy. Right? Birthday party food just tastes better. The same bag of Cheetos tastes just fifty times better at a birthday party. I don't know why, no one does. It's one of life's greatest mysteries. Birthday party snacks are easily the highlight


Brace Yourself 90s Kids, Planters Cheez Balls Are Back

Who else has been craving Planters Cheez Balls since they vanished in the early 2000s? I know I have. Even though there are other brands that make similar things, nothing has ever been as good. But now, after decades of hearing us whine and cry, Planters has decided to bring them back for a limited time and we are all scrambling to get them. I don't know why their formula is so good, but those little cans of cheesy goodness will return to shelves on July 1st. The Impulsive BuyThey first went out of production in 2006, but after 12


Cardigans Are Apparently Back In Style But The 90s Totally Did It Better

If we are being perfectly honest here, I didn't know cardigans ever really went out of style. Sure, people don't really wear them the same way as they used to, but there's still plenty available. But the thing is, the 90s were a prime time for sweater sets and cardigans. Not only were they available in a million color options, but they had a bunch of different designs and patterns that became popular. It seemed like every person had one either wrapped around their shoulders or wore it as a crop top in the 90s. Now they are apparently "back


20 Bedding Sets That Every 90s Kid Dreamed Of Having When They Were Kids

I know that when most 90s kids looked through the Sears Wishbook, they focused on the toys. I definitely spent my fair share of time flipping through the pages of Barbies and Lego, but there was always one section that I couldn't resist and I cannot be the only one. Every single year, I would flip through the toys first, but then move on with excitement to the bedding section. Seeing all the latest and greatest comforters and blankets always brought a smile to my face.I don't know how many Christmases I asked for a "Bed-in-a-Bag" set that would


Seeing Celebrities' Homes From The 90s Is Like Stepping Through A Time Machine

Who else has a very vivid memory of what their house looked like in the 90s? Everyone's house has specific look depending on what their parents were into at the time. In our house we had green wall-to-wall carpets, a blue couch that was almost a velvet texture and of course, a lazy boy recliner. In our basement we had a hand-me-down couch from my grandparents that looked like it had seen better days. It was basically just the scratchiest material ever but it didn't matter because it was ours. Our houses may not have looked as cool as the


Polly Pocket Is Going Back To Her Roots With A Brand New 90s-Inspired Collection

Who else remembers growing up when our dream toys were these plastic little compacts that had a whole little world inside?  Those little Polly Pockets were everything we wanted. Even though they were such a simple little concept, they managed to fill our imaginations and we loved them. They had so many different kinds of Polly Pockets. Ones based on movies, ones based on fairy tales, and others that are just fun creations of their own.EtsyWhether we were adventuring with Jasmine and Aladdin in Agrabah or having a fun castle adventure, we managed to see these little peg

Food and Snacks

Nickelodeon's Slime Is Now An Edible Sauce You Can Buy, And No We're Not Kidding

You know how you used to watch shows like Double Dare or The Splat and think, "OOO that slime looks so delicious, I wish I could eat it!" No? Right, because no one thought that. NickelodeonWell, even though it's not a substance that most people want to eat, Nickelodeon found a way to make kids want it. They turned their iconic slime into "Slime Sauce" and are now selling it at Walmarts all over the country. What is it? Well, don't worry, it's not the gross pudding and oatmeal mixture that Marc Summers revealed was a part of the original


15 Of The Most Important Celebrity Mullets That Are Too Iconic To Forget

Let's talk about mullets. Yes, mullets. Why? Because they are an important part of our past, one that we should look at with reverence and admiration, not disgust and agony. Listen, I know what you're thinking. "Mullets aren't cool anymore, why would you still admire them?" Well, because they were a thing of beauty. It was a commitment, it was a brave choice, it was a bold look, and it was iconic. It wasn't just your average Joe's haircut, it was every celebrity in Hollywood, rocking those multi-leveled hairstyles like you wouldn't believe. I know it's hard to remember now.