
40 Celebrity Prom Photos That Are More Embarrassing Than Your Own

Graduating seniors celebrate by getting all dressed up and dancing the night away with their peers for the last time.It's a night to remember, which is why dozens of photos are taken at prom.  But I'm sure there are some celebrities who wish their prom photos were never leaked online. If you thought your prom photos were awkward, you've seen nothing yet...1. Barack Obama TimeThese four look like they had a grand time at their senior prom. They're draped in leaves and flowers, which means one thing - this photo was taken at a high school in


10 Things That Helped Us All Survive Elementary School In The 90s

Going to elementary school is something that we all had to do, but we all had different experiences. Socially, elementary school was a battlefield. It was exhausting and more dramatic than it needed to be, but at least we all grew up before the internet was a thing. Nowadays kids have to deal with their bullies following them home, at least virtually, and never getting a chance to be alone. Even if it's from their friends, kids should have some time to themselves, right? Disney ChannelWell, when we grew up in the 90s, times were just a lot simpler. Who


11 Things Every Kid Who Grew Up With A Horse Obsession Will Remember

It seems as though in every family there is someone who is obsessed with horses. I don't think that this is necessarily specific to the 80s or 90s, but it did seem to gain a little bit of mainstream attention. When I say obsessed, I don't mean the people who would ask for a pony once and then give up, I mean people like my sister who asked for a pony every year until she was old enough to make a presentation as to why she should have a horse. This is a real thing that happened... And it actually


5 Reasons Why The Scholastic Book Fair Will Always Be The Best Part Of Elementary School

Being in school 5 days a week is kind of like having a full time job, only instead of getting paid in money, you have to sit there and learn. You get sent home with homework, you have to write book reports, you have tests and presentations and all of it is a lot of effort for a growing brain. But there was a place, one beautiful reprieve from our tortuous experience where we could feel at peace. That place was the Scholastic Book Fair. Once a year our schools would treat us by bringing the book orders to life.

Food and Snacks

10 Cereals We Haven't Eaten Since We Were Kids, But We Really Wish We Could

Breakfast time is always a pretty exciting part of the day. I mean, at least it is when you're a kid. When you're an adult it means it's time to head out to work, but for kids it's a bit different. When you're young, you have very few responsibilities. Sure, you have to go to school, but it's not really the biggest deal. But even still, we were supposed to start our days off right with a health and well-balanced breakfast. What did we do instead? We ate a bunch of sugary cereal and crashed by snack time.Did we


10 Places In the Mall You Absolutely Had To Go To When You Were A Kid

Going to the mall when we were kids was both a privilege and a requirement. Your mom always called it a treat to go, but you knew better. That's where you had to go if you wanted to keep up with all the trends and latest fashions. Malls were where everything happened. That's where the cool hangouts were, it's where all the good food was, and obviously it was where you could learn about all the newest and coolest trends. Sure, looking because it's easy to say that you shouldn't worry about being cool, but when you're young and impressionable


10 Ken Dolls That Are So Bizarre You'll Wonder How We Ever Forgot Them

We all know and love Barbie, she has been one of the most iconic toys for decades. And Barbie of course has her group of friends and family that help bring her world to life. Of course there is one special man who has always been a big figure in her life. Ken Carson came onto the scene in 1961, and has been Barbie's boyfriend ever since. Well, I guess they broke up for a little bit in 2004, but let's pretend that never happened. There have been a lot of version of Ken since he arrived in stores nearly


13 Abandoned Theme Parks Whose Forgotten Characters Will Give You The Creeps

Going to a theme park is supposed to be a good time. There are rides, there are attractions, and there are often characters that you know and love. The problem is nothing can last forever. Sometimes these parks that were filled with laughing children and excited adults close down, but when they do, they don't always take everything with them. That's right, sometimes the characters and the rides that used to bring you so much joy are left to fend for themselves in the harsh weather conditions and over the years they start to look a little, well... haunted. After


Everyone Just Found Out That Neopets Was Run By Scientologists And They Are Not Happy About It

When the internet started being used by kids all around the country, there was one site that we all needed to visit. Neopets was the most important website on the internet if you were between the ages of 10-13. It was every middle school kids most important obsession, other than their beanie babies, but somehow these virtual pets felt more real than our tangible toys. You would pick a creature, name it, feed it, play with it, and take it on adventures every single day. You would spin a wheel, helping you collect neopoints, and you could use those points


10 Snacks From Your Childhood That You Didn't Realize You Can Still Get Today

Listen, it's fine to reminisce about all the things we used to have, but sometimes it's downright frustrating to remember everything that you want to eat, and then not be able to eat it. Instead, let's take a moment and remember the good and wonderful companies that are still providing us with super good treats and meals that taste like our childhood. Sure, their health value is questionable at best, but who are we to judge! Enjoy yourself, think of this as the shopping list for your retro theme party! This what you can still get:1. Teddy GrahamsWikipediaStill as