Pop Culture

11 McDonaldland Mascots That You Completely Forgot Existed

There was this magical place that kids all thought would be excellent, but looking back now it's hard to see why. McDonaldland was this crazy marketing adventure with the most bizarre cast of characters imaginable. McDonald's WikiSure, fast food places are known for having wacky mascots, but none are quite as iconic as the characters of McDonaldland. From the mayor to the smallest little fry kid, each of them was pretty bizarre. Everyone remembers Ronald McDonald, but what about the rest?How many of the McDonaldland characters do you remember? The HamburglarMcDonald's WikiGrimaceYouTubeHe even did a


How Much Are The Original American Girl Dolls Actually Worth?

Chances are that when you were growing up there were a few dolls that you always wanted. There were some Barbie dolls that were absolutely coveted, there were of course the iconic Cabbage Patch Dolls that everyone needed, but there was one brand that seemed to take the cake when it came to the most desirable doll on the market. American Girl dolls were probably the fanciest things our tiny brains could dream of owning. Sure, they cost a pretty penny when they first came out, but if you could convince your parents that they were worth it, you were


According To A Study, These Are The Most Popular 90s Toys In Each State

When you think back to your childhood, what toy do you remember spending most of your time with? There's probably one that stands out, whether it was a particular stuffed animal, a special Barbie, or even a video game, that you remember going absolutely bananas over. Have you ever wondered if you were the only one to be completely obsessed with it, or if kids from other states also loved the same thing? Well, AT&T has decided to dig into the world of 90s nostalgia, and they hope to answer the question we've all had, "What is the most


33 Toys You Definitely Owned If You Were Born In The '80s

We all have our favorite '80s toys, but some were so popular that they seemed to be in every home in America.If you're an '80s kid, we'd be shocked to learn you didn't own these toys:1. Fisher Price Medical KitArkham_Retirement / RedditDon't be surprised if you notice a lot of Fisher Price on this list. The toy company dominated the market in this decade, and one of their most popular sets was this doctor's bag.It had everything you needed to play doctor, and give the family dog a checkup.2. PopplesThe Mary SueThe Popples were designed by


15 Creepy Toys That Would Absolutely Traumatize The Kids Who Owned Them

We had a lot of fantastic toys growing up. Whether we wanted dolls, video games or anything in between, there were thousands of options for us. But honestly, some of them shouldn't exist. Some toys are just too creepy to believe the were real. Who approved these? Who thought these would make good educational or emotionally beneficial toys for kids to play with? Seriously, I would like to have a word with the people who created these 15 products. Why would you build this nightmare machine?Blaze PressIs this supposed to be a recreation of the movie Alien? Viral NovaEven


15 Classic Happy Meal Toys We Desperately Wanted When We Were Kids

Who else remembers getting SUPER excited when their mom or dad said they could go to McDonald's for lunch or dinner? Their commercials were catchy, they had a line of toys that were awesome, and their french fries were the best. The other thing that was always amazing about McDonald's was the toy inside your Happy Meal. They always became such big collectors items for kids, comparing which one they had with their friends. Let's see how many of these retro Happy Meal toys you remember! 1. Tiny Disney Characters In Movie CasesThese were the best, you got all your