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How to start playing at RedDog online casino

Virtual casinos have no physical premises, but the transactions there are real, just as the money is real and of course the winnings. There are a huge number of casinos to choose from and sometimes it can be very difficult to find the right casino. Do they really differ from each other? The answer is yes, they differ in the quality of gameplay and promotions and sometimes even the number of games. Good casino houses like RedDog offer you really attractive bonus codes and promo codes. So how to start playing at RedDog Online Casino read on in our review.


The Hair-Raising History Of How Trolls Became One Of The Longest-Lasting Toy Trends

I think we can all agree that looking back on our childhoods makes us reevaluate some of our obsessions. Did we need all of those Beanie Babies? Probably not. Did we need every POG available? Probably not. Was Tickle Me Elmo really worth the effort our parents put in? I guess not. But those things were just short little trends that passed by in a few short years. There was another toy, one that's even weirder than a game based on cardboard disks that managed to last for decades, and is making its comeback now: Trolls. Troll dolls seemed like

Food and Snacks

13 Weird Drinks That Weren't Banned But Probably Should Have Been

There are some discontinued drinks that will forever live on in our memories, even if they never get brought back like Crystal Pepsi did. But for every Pepsi Blue or Surge there are plenty of sodas that have been forgotten in the sands of time, not to mention some that we probably just blocked from our memories. 1) BurpleBurple was only around for a few short years in the 80s, probably because it wasn't really anything more than a Kool-Aid-esque powder in an expandable accordion bottle. The idea was it would come all scrunched up, so you'd expand it to


25 Pages Of The 1994 JC Penny Catalog That Will Make You Feel Like You Traveled Through Time

While we were all busy flipping through the WishBook every year, they weren't the only exciting catalog we would find in our mailbox. While it may not have been our first choice, the JC Penny catalog was a close second when it came to making your Christmas lists. Honestly, our moms probably loved it more than anyone else, because where else would they find the latest fashion trends? Whether you needed a new velvet dress, a snappy business jacket, or a brightly colored hat, JC Penny was the first place on the shopping list. As for us kids, it was


30 Things You Will Only Remember If You're Over 30 Now

Oh, how times have changed! I look at the kids and teenagers nowadays and it's like they're growing up in a totally different world than the one I knew. Everything is so fast paced and technology-driven, unlike back in the 80s and 90s, when every new discovery and invention left us in awe. Instead of Google, I had to look through encyclopedias to get more information on a topic, my friends and I played outside every day, Saturday mornings were reserved for cartoons, and visiting fast-food restaurants like McDonald's was a special treat. If you also did these things, then

Pop Culture

11 McDonaldland Mascots That You Completely Forgot Existed

There was this magical place that kids all thought would be excellent, but looking back now it's hard to see why. McDonaldland was this crazy marketing adventure with the most bizarre cast of characters imaginable. McDonald's WikiSure, fast food places are known for having wacky mascots, but none are quite as iconic as the characters of McDonaldland. From the mayor to the smallest little fry kid, each of them was pretty bizarre. Everyone remembers Ronald McDonald, but what about the rest?How many of the McDonaldland characters do you remember? The HamburglarMcDonald's WikiGrimaceYouTubeHe even did a


7 Things Everyone Who Has Ever Watched An '80s Aerobics Video Knows To Be True

The 80s were all about sweatbands, leg warmers, and spandex so tight that it was essentially a second skin. There was this intense workout craze that exploded in popularity, and all of our moms were watching videos or listening to records in the living rooms doing leg lifts and step kicks to some upbeat music. We all remember it, whether we were kids watching our moms or actually the ones doing them ourselves, those 80s workout videos and records were absolutely iconic. If you lived through it, you remember exactly what it was really like. 1. You needed the perfect