
Fashion Experts Are Trying To Trick Us Into Wearing Flared Jeans Again And We Aren't Having It

Listen, I know fashion is cyclical. I know that things are going to go in and out of style, but here's the thing, not everything should. Fashion is also highly subjective. We all have our own opinions, but when the fashion magazines start telling us "this is what is in style" we all second guess our choices. Now, these experts are telling us to dust off our old flared jeans and honestly, I don't understand why. I know that flared jeans were huge in the disco-era, and I know this because when they came back in the late 90s and


Are Your Old Pogs Actually Worth As Much As People Claim?

People like to look back at their childhood and think about all the cool stuff they had. We all collected Beanie Babies, Pokemon Cards, Polly Pockets, and more, but one of the weirdest obsessions we all had was the Pog craze. Pogs were perhaps one of the most popular toys (if you could really call them that) of the 90s. They were basically little cardboard disks that had pictures on them, and the point of them was to collect as many as you could, trade them with your friends, and maybe compete for more using your "Slammer". A lot of


20 Statements You Haven't Heard Since You Were A Kid That'll Flood Your Brain With Memories

Growing up, there are always phrases that are pretty specific to the time period. It's the same for every generation. There's always those statements that seem so relevant at the time, but looking back it feels ridiculous. Think about it, our parents didn't have flat screen TVs, a Nintendo, or the internet, those only became popular when we were kids. We are really lucky to have grown up in the time that we did, because we have gotten to experience the insanely fast technological advances that have been going on. Remember your first internet experience? You can probably still hear


10 Trends From The 90s We Would All Really Like To Forget

Listen, we can all reminisce about the 90s until we are blue in the face, but there were some fads that just were a little bit... well, bizarre, is the best way to put it. No decade can claim that they were free from the crazy flash fads that seemed to come and go before anyone could really understand what was going on, but the 90s sure did have some weird ones. How many do you remember? 1. Chain WalletsYou couldn't trust anyone back in the 90s. You had to make sure those things were secured properly into your pocket,


Mullets Are Trying To Come Back And It'll Make You Wonder Wtf Is Going On With The World

We all remember the years of the mullet right? It was a dark time. A scary time. A time when logic died. "Business in the front, party in the back!" Who really believed that? Sure, there are still some people out there, you know who you are, who have been rocking the mullet non-stop for decades now, but they know they are in the minority. The style fell out of popularity somewhere in the early 90s, and we all breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. The mullet was gone. No more tall mullets. Total BeautyNo more curly mullets.


Scrunchies Are Back In Style But They've Been Given A New Name And A Crazy New Price Tag

Who else still owns scrunchies? Everyone, right? They are perfect to hold up all that hair, especially if you want to leave it crease free, not to mention they look super cute and remind us all of the glorious 90s. Well, apparently they have been out of style for a while now (news to me) but they are starting to make their comeback. The only thing is, they have a brand new name. That's right, people are trying to 'rebrand' scrunchies to help make them cool again. Not only are they getting a new name, but they are getting a


Tooth Gems Are Making A Comeback And All We Can Say Is "Why?"

As much as we loved the 90s, and the gems that it gave us, we can't deny that the decade produced very questionable trends. From super skinny eyebrows, to blue shadows and tendrils, we made enough cringe-worthy beauty choices to last a lifetime. But since 2017 is seeing a 90s revival, some of the styles we embraced way back when are making a comeback.  CosmopolitanMore recently, people have been revisiting the unnecessary trend that is the "tooth gem," and we're not sure how to feel about it. In case you tried to forget about tooth gems are, here's a


25 Things You Can Buy If You Wish It Was Still The '80s

Here today, gone tomorrow, that's what our childhoods felt like. If you're feeling nostalgic for your younger days (and we know you are) maybe some retail therapy is in order. These 25 products make for great gift ideas, or a perfectly self-indulgent pick-me-up.1. Nagel The BookActionistEverything old is new again. This artist's cover for Duran Duran's album Rio made him an '80s icon, and the rest of his work in this art book is just as mesmerizing.Get it here!2. Mix Tape Memory StickSuck UKRemember making mix tapes to impress your crush? Curating a list of songs was


The Most Iconic Style Trend From The Early 2000s Is Back And Everyone Is Wondering Why

Fashion and beauty seem to be cyclical in nature. Whatever was stylish at one point seems to always make its comeback. The problem is, we don't always want it to happen. The late 90s and early millennium were an interesting time to be alive. There were a lot of really low-cut pants with high-rise underwear, crop tops, and so many hair extensions. One of the more notorious style choices we remember from that time period was the chunky highlights. Everyone from Christina to Kelly Clarkson was rocking the look. It was happening all over the place. RCAPeople would either start


13 Pages From A Delia's Catalog That Will Make You Feel Like A Pre-Teen Again

When you were a preteen, there were few more important things than picking out your style. The clothes you wore would help you feel confident while you were going through some of the roughest years of your life, so obviously you had to pick the best ones. Where was the best place to get clothes? Obviously it was the Delia's catalog! It was the most stylish and awesome place to get clothes from, even though our parents didn't believe us. For some reason they would say that we should just buy clothes in store so we knew what fit, but