
Tamagotchis Are Back So It's Time To Relive Your Childhood!

We can all remember the day that we got our first Tamagotchi. We would promise our moms that we would play with it all the time and that it would absolutely be worth the money. We would bring them everywhere we went, whether it was to school or to a friends house. Brian CrecentreYou would have your electronic pet in your pocket or on a special lanyard around your neck at all times. They were basically the most important thing in your life for a while there, but then they got banned from school and eventually we outgrew them. Rolling


8 Times Gwen Stefani Was No Doubt A Style Icon

Fashion from the 90's is back in full force. From distressed denim, to choker necklaces, it feels like we can open up one of our high school yearbooks and be completely relevant in our style again. From her blue-hair, to her glamorous red lipstick, Gwen Stefani's fashion was "no doubt" one of the most iconic evolution of the 90's. Pastel Hair ColorsBefore Katy Perry showed off her blue locks, Stefani showed off the electric-blue hair at the MTV Video Music Awards in September 1998. The rest of the outfit is so totally 90s right now; from the jewels on her


13 Swatch Watches Everyone Was Tick-Tocking About In The 80s

If you grew up in the 80s, chances are you owned a swatch watch. It wasn't like we all had cell phones with built in clocks, we had to own a physical device whose only purpose was to let us know when it was time to go home for dinner. BloomingdalesEveryone knows that Swatch Watches were the coolest of them all. They were bright, funky, fun and obviously everyone just had to have one. Did you have one when you were a kid? Maybe you recognize some of these? Elegant and simpleEbayBright and funkyEbayHow about one with a nice cloth


15 Beauty Trends From The Early 2000s That You Wish You Could Forget

We have all made some regrettable decisions in our lives, that is just a fact. One thing that we have all been guilty of is following trends that really didn't deserve to be followed. We didn't have the Y2K problems we expected, but this new millennium did present a different issue. All the sudden we became these monsters who thought eyebrows were evil and bronzer was the most important part of your look. A lot of us fell victim to the 00s trends, and it's time to start the healing process and admit that we made some mistakes. The first


Frosted Tips Are A Thing Again Even Though No One Asked For This

Unless you were Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake, or more recently Guy Fieri, there was no reason to ever have frosted tips. None. Nope. Shush. NO. REASON. Why not just go full blonde? What was the obsession with permanent roots? I'll never know. It was like a calling card for all boy bands: someone NEEDS to have frosted tips or else what is the point.JT had them.SmoshNick Lachey of 98 Degrees fame had them.SmoshJoey Fatone had them.SmoshMark McGrath (ya, remember him?) had them.TeenBut somehow, now that it's 2017, the frosted tips have gotten worse and more


13 Amazing 80s Styles That You Know You Rocked

Kids today have a vague idea of the 80s through TV, movies and just general knowledge that gets passed down, but some of us actually lived through that nonsense. There was neon EVERYWHERE, and hair was bigger than you could possibly imagine. Not everyone wants to remember it fondly because it was a lot going on at once, but you know what, we should embrace our choices. The 80s were the brightest, most colorful and perhaps the most fun decade fashion wise that we have ever had. Kids today may get little pieces of it here and there, but they


5 Bizarre Examples That Prove Just How Real 'Satanic Panic' Was In The '80s

It seemed like there was no decade more possessed by the devil than the 80s. Well, that's what the media wanted you to believe. If you were alive in the 80s, you absolutely remember hearing that everything and anything was run by the Satanists. Whether it was cartoons, musicians, or even diaper companies, everyone was on high alert. You might think I'm kidding, but it's absolutely true. People everywhere were convinced that the devil worshiping cult was trying to force them into doing his bidding. These were the most bizarre instances of that conspiracy. 1. Pampers DiapersFlickrLet's start with the


18 Accessories You Wore In The 90s That Earned You Serious Style Cred

It's no secret that 90s fashion is making a comeback, from crop tops to chokers and overalls. Kids these days are embracing these returning trends, while those of us who were around in the 90s can't help but feel nostalgic.We may no longer be at the age where we can wear butterfly clips, plastic bracelets, or ripped tights, but if you were to ask anyone who knew us back in the good ol' days, our clothes and accessories earned us some serious style creds. Whether you were a trendsetter like Hilary Banks, a grunge babe like Kim Gordon, athletic


25 Pages Of The 1994 JC Penny Catalog That Will Make You Feel Like You Traveled Through Time

While we were all busy flipping through the WishBook every year, they weren't the only exciting catalog we would find in our mailbox. While it may not have been our first choice, the JC Penny catalog was a close second when it came to making your Christmas lists. Honestly, our moms probably loved it more than anyone else, because where else would they find the latest fashion trends? Whether you needed a new velvet dress, a snappy business jacket, or a brightly colored hat, JC Penny was the first place on the shopping list. As for us kids, it was


15 Slang Words From The 80s That Were Totally Awesome To The Max

The 80s were a pretty outrageous time. There were a lot of bright colors, big hair, and happy music. As with every decade, there was also an entire unique language that seemed to become popular before completely phasing out. We probably still use a few of these phrases to this day, but some we haven't heard in thirty years. How many of these sound familiar to you? AirheadAn airhead is a way to call someone a ditz. Example: Jill was supposed to meet me at the Madonna concert but she forgot! She is such an airhead! GiphyBodaciousBodacious basically just means